3pc Moldavite genuine stone from near Chlum, Czech Republic - 5.6gm retailer / 29-32mm long (F80805)
Moldavite (authentic)
near Chlum Czech Republic
3 stones ranging from 29-32mm
56gm total weight
We have only ever trusted.
Moldavite (authentic)
near Chlum, Czech Republic
3 stones ranging from 29-32mm
5.6gm total weight
We have only ever trusted one very reputable source in Czech Republic for Moldavite, we refuse to work with anyone else. Lechatlierite (cannot be faked) have been present in each piece that's been professionally analyzed. If you're unsatisfied upon arrival, we encourage returning for a full refund.
Want to know more about real vs. fake Moldavite? ---> https://www.gia.edu/gems-gemology/spring-2015-gemnews-moldavites-natural-fake
[25mm = 1" / 1gm = 5ct]
--Be sure to double check measurements and retailer view all photos before purchase.
--We combine shipping! Contact to have multiple orders combined, or with any shipping requests.
Please contact us with any questions. Thank you!