Product Name: KIDS SAY THE DARNDEST retailer THINGS! Art Linkletter vintage Walt Disney!
As some may or may not know, Art Linkletter was a long time member of the Bohemian Grove until his death. Art under suspicious circumstances lost 3 children to early deaths (just a little trivia). Art was also the host of most the Bohemian Groves Variety Shows put on for the community (also trivia). Now to get into some facts. Also around the time period of this book, but a few years earlier, the U.S. was working to develop the Atomic Bomb, which was planned at the Bohemian Grove in the Chalet overlooking the Russian River. Art shared a Camp at the grove with members of the Atomic Commission that developed the Atomic Bomb. Art passed away a few years back. The Bohemian Grove thew him a grand tribute and also commemorated him at the Variety Show. This is certainly a one of a kind history Illustrated by Charles M. Schulz Introduction by Walt Disney Vintage Seventh printing 1958 Printed in United States of American retailer 51520 View photos the books in great shape for its age.