Gold Cross Necklace/ Personalized 14K Gold Plated/Rubies, Amethyst Gemstones/Girl Women Men Baptism Confirmation retailer Gift/Christian Jewelry View larger
  • Gold Cross Necklace/ Personalized 14K Gold Plated/Rubies, Amethyst Gemstones/Girl Women Men Baptism Confirmation retailer Gift/Christian Jewelry
  • Gold Cross Necklace/ Personalized 14K Gold Plated/Rubies, Amethyst Gemstones/Girl Women Men Baptism Confirmation retailer Gift/Christian Jewelry
  • Gold Cross Necklace/ Personalized 14K Gold Plated/Rubies, Amethyst Gemstones/Girl Women Men Baptism Confirmation retailer Gift/Christian Jewelry
  • Gold Cross Necklace/ Personalized 14K Gold Plated/Rubies, Amethyst Gemstones/Girl Women Men Baptism Confirmation retailer Gift/Christian Jewelry
  • Gold Cross Necklace/ Personalized 14K Gold Plated/Rubies, Amethyst Gemstones/Girl Women Men Baptism Confirmation retailer Gift/Christian Jewelry

Gold Cross Necklace/ Personalized 14K Gold Plated/Rubies, Amethyst Gemstones/Girl Women Men Baptism Confirmation retailer Gift/Christian Jewelry

Gold Cross Necklace/ Personalized 14K Gold Plated/Rubies, Amethyst Gemstones/Girl Women Men Baptism Confirmation retailer Gift/Christian Jewelry, Gold Cross Necklace/ Personalized 14K Gold Plated/Rubies, Amethyst Gemstones/Girl Women Men Baptism Confirmation Gift/Christian Jewelry save on




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Gold Cross Necklace/ Personalized 14K Gold Plated/Rubies, Amethyst Gemstones/Girl Women Men Baptism Confirmation retailer Gift/Christian Jewelry

Gold Cross Necklace/ Personalized 14K Gold Plated/Rubies, Amethyst Gemstones/Girl Women Men Baptism Confirmation retailer Gift/Christian Jewelry, This is a minimalist cross pendant necklace with three gemstones representing heaven You can personalize your own.


Product Name: Gold Cross Necklace/ Personalized 14K Gold Plated/Rubies, Amethyst Gemstones/Girl Women Men Baptism Confirmation retailer Gift/Christian Jewelry

This is a minimalist cross pendant necklace with three gemstones representing heaven. You can personalize your own gemstones: rubies (red), amethyst (purple), peridot (light green), garnet (red), blue sapphire (navy).

I had a supernatural encounter while I was designing this piece, which the story is written below:

On December 26, 2017 I had a vision of heaven during the time I was working on this cross design. “I am the way and the truth and the life”. No one comes to the Father except through Me. (John 14:6) This verse was the source and the inspiration to make this design. The stones above the cross are meant to represent the Kingdom of Heaven, which is our inheritance through our King Jesus.

While I was working on the wax setting, I wondered what commodities there are in Heaven. “Are there gold, diamond, silver, gemstones and in what shapes and beauty…?,” I thought to myself repeatedly. Then the day after Christmas, sometime in early afternoon, while I was having a cup of coffee in my yard still thinking about the Kingdom of Heaven, I had a vision of heaven like a flash in the sky.

I knew what I had seen, it was the Real Heaven and it was so real. Oh, that was beautiful beyond words if there are existing expressions to describe the vivid and living colours. The expression, “God's Glory” would be perfect to describe this holy sight. I saw 3-4 stout gold buildings made of pure gold. Gold was so pure that it was also clear. I felt the purity of the gold buildings that shone so brightly boasting of God's holiness and glory. This color of gold doesn't exist on earth because there was light coming out of the gold buildings. As a matter of fact, there was so much light everywhere. I also sensed so much warmth from the Kingdom of Heaven that felt so welcoming in a way that satisfies deep longing for comfort like a true home. I was a bit sad that I wasn't there already.

Being in awe, I googled “heaven, gold buildings” just to see what would come up. To add to my surprise I came across these verses from the Book of Revelations in the Bible that describe exactly what I saw. “The city was pure gold, clear as crystal…” (Revelations 21:18 TPT) And the glory of God is the light in heaven. “The city has no need for the sun or moon to shine, for the glory of God is its light, and its lamp is the Lamb.” (Revelations 21:23 TPT)

I was stunned to have this vision of heaven and to add more to my amazement, I had never known these verses about the city of pure gold in heaven in the Bible before having this vision. I think God has a great sense of humor because I think He was very intentional with what He showed me that can be supported by the Bible. If He retailer had given me a vision of something which the information doesn't exist in the Bible, perhaps I would've doubted myself if what I saw was real. But now I know that John also saw the same thing and wrote it in the Book of Revelations.

Personally, I was very touched by what I had seen. I grew up in fear of hellfire from a young age and even as an adult, that fear gripped me as a stronghold. But how beautiful and precious are the thoughts of God. He saw the depth of my anxiety and fear that He showed me my eternal home and not of eternal condemnation.

십자가 디자인 하는 과정에서 초자연적인 경험을 하게 되었습니다. 그래서 이렇게 글로 적어봤어요:

2017년 12월 26일에 이 십자가 디자인을 작업하는 기간에 천국을 비젼으로 보았다. “나는 길이요 진리요 생명이다. 나를 통하지 않고는 아무도 아버지께로 가지 못한다.” (요한복음 14:6) 이 구절이 나에게 영감을 주어 십자가 디자인을 만들게 되었다. 십자가 위에 있는 보석들은 천국을 의미한다. 천국은 우리가 예수님을 통해서 받을 상속이다.

왁스세팅으로 디자인 작업을 하는동안에, 천국에는 어떤 보석들이 있을지 호기심이 많아졌다. “금이 있을까? 다이아몬드, 은, 보석들 그리고 어떤 모양이고 얼마나 아름다울지…” 이러면서 자꾸 생각하게 되었다. 그리고 크리스마스 다음날 이른오후에 아직도 천국에 대한 생각으로 가득차 있으면서 마당에서 커피를 마시고 있었다. 그러다가 하늘을 보면서 플래시처럼 비젼으로 천국을 보았다.

난 내가 천국을 분명히 봤는지 알았고 너무 리얼했다. 생생하고 살아있는 색깔들이 너무 아름다워서 존재하는 표현으로 설명하기 사실 어렵다. 하지만 “하나님의 영광" 이라는 표현이 이런 거룩한 광경을 설명하기에 완벽할수도 있다. 3-4개 정도의 순금으로 만들어진 빌딩들을 보았다. 이 금은 너무 맑아서 투명한 느낌도 들었다. 이 맑은 순금으로 만들어진 빌딩들은 하나님의 영광과 거룩함으로 밝은 빛으로 가득찼다. 지구에 있는 금은 빛을 비춰내지 않기 때문에 이런 금색깔은 지구에는 존재하는 않는다. 사실상, 내가 본 천국은 밝은 빛으로 모든곳에 비춰졌다. 천국의 따뜻함은 나를 포근한 집처럼 반겨주는것 같았다. 너무 포근해서 내가 간절히 소망하고 원했던 집이라는 느낌을 받았다. 내가 벌써 그 곳에 있지 않아 약간 슬펐다.

경이로와서 구글로 뭐가 나올지 “천국, 금빌딩” 을 영어로 검색해봤다. 사실 더 놀라웠던 건 성경에서 요한계시록에 구체적으로 내가 본것과 같은 구절들이 있다는걸 알았다. “성은 맑은 유리 같은 순금으로 되어 있었습니다…” (요한계시록 21:18) “또 그 성에는 하나님의 영광이 광채가 비치고 어린 양이 그 성의 등불이 되시기 때문에 해와 달이 필요 없습니다.” (요한계시록 21:23)

천국을 비젼으로 본것도 놀라왔지만 또 놀라왔던건 천국에 순금으로된 도시가 있다는 구절들이 구체적으로 성경에 적혀있는지 비젼으로 천국을 보기전에 전혀 알지 못했다. 하나님은 유모가 있으신게 의도적으로 성경으로 증명할수 있는 것을 보여준신거 같다. 만약에 나에게 성경구절에 있지않은 부분을 비젼으로 천국을 보여주셨다면 내가 혹시 헛것을 봤나 했을지도 의심했을것이다. 하지만 예수님의 제자 또한 요한계시록을 쓴 요한이 본 천국과 내가 본 천국이 동일하다는걸 알게되었다.

개인적으로, 난 이런 경험을 한것이 나에게 큰 의미가 있고 위로를 주었다. 난 어릴때부터 지옥의 불을 두려워 하면서 자라났었다 그리고 어른이 되서도 이 두려움은 내안에서 크게 자리잡고 있었다. 하지만 하나님은 나에 대한 생각은 소중하고 아름다웠다.나의 불안하고 두려운 마음을 아시고 지옥이 아닌 내가 영원히 살 천국을 보여주셨다.

Each piece is made to order. There is a 24-hour cancellation time period before it goes into production.

CARE INSTRUCTION: Avoid exposure to water or other liquid. Best to keep this in a sealed bag to prevent tarnishing.


Gold Cross Necklace/ Personalized 14K Gold Plated/Rubies, Amethyst Gemstones/Girl Women Men Baptism Confirmation retailer Gift/Christian Jewelry